Friday, May 18, 2007


Farewell is a mixed feeling sour and sweet at the same time;
Love and memories bettering it from time to time

Everyone keeps meeting it in course of their lifes;
The fondness of the past makes a mark in their lifes

Though the faces keep on smiling all the while;
The heart weeps the sorrow to depart meanwhile,

Everyone loves it still no one wants it;
You have to accept it even though u deny it.

Life is a mystery , farewell is a part of it;
Farewell bids good bye to those who gave it

Times keep on changing nothing remains the same ;
One has a long journey to travel so keep on giving the past a farewell

The dawn follows the dusk as a farewell follows the meet;
Enjoy this feeling as the future is on the horizon to meet,

God’s gift to a man are many ,life being the most precious,
Each of us will be indebted to this life for our final farewell to be auspicious

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