Thursday, June 14, 2007

Heroes --- its time to save the World

Ah….don’t be in a jinx after reading this…for this is the first instance I’m being anecdotal not for the lack of issues but lack of readers, not for the lack of knowledge but for the want of being different….enough of the simile talk…I better get down with some writing…

Its been ages since I last hit the keys on the keyboard…although it is not that I haven’t bothered the keyboard all this while ….but its for the lack of purpose in posting something on ma blog…(I’m rather clueless why doesn’t MS Word springs up with a red line beneath “ma” as I thought this was just another chatting lingo for “my”)….so carrying on the raison de atre for not posting on ma blog…its just that there was no longer any excitement ,rather euphoria about posting something…I was no longer bothered by the no of visitors glancing through ma web page any more…people commenting on ma posts never bothered me as I hardly have any….also the economy is going great guns and I’m rather fed up on writing on inflation issues as most of you would find better commentators than me in almost all dailies….

But lately I have started watching the series, Heroes, an amazing tele series combining all the attributes of an entertainment package. It’s about certain (I know the exact no although I wouldn’t like to spoil your fun in case you end up watching it) no of individuals who are gifted with special powers and in due course of their lives they start realizing the special qualities they possess. There’s a link that connects each of them to the other and its time they unlock the true potential of their power and harness it to the betterment of the world….or rather simply put to “Save the World”….well this is the underlying point that carries all of them to different places on the globe as each of them is searching for his/her true destiny….to make things no better for them they have someone hunting them down and killing them and his reason for doing it is ….?For evolution is a process which hinges on one most important aspect ….SURVIVAL!

Well I may be a little too excited for people who are already done with watching the first Season of Heroes but for those who have not been caring about it all this while one thing that I’m very sure about is you wont be cursing me in case u end up watching Heroes after going through all this I have put ….and as far as I’m concerned I have been kinda glued to it ever since I started watching it….As I watched things unfold I was too tempted to think whether I had some “special power”…but then I realized this was an effect of watching too many Hindi serials for all you do while watching them is personify yourself as one of the characters from the soap….

Well its time for me to catch on another episode of Heroes, and I think it’s only a matter of time before you would want to catch up on your dose of this epic serial…
Disclaimer: I won't be responsible for any bad repercussions that Heroes ends up having on you, specially of you watching Heroes the whole day and skipping your daily chores and I strongly recommend you to seek another advice, although the good reviews in case you follow me are welcome and will be duly applauded.

1 comment:

Jayendra Katti said...

Undoubtedly 'Heroes' rocks the television time for most teenagers and is a living fantasy(probably for some of them), I (not being 1) enjoyed all the serials that I have seen...I guess the idea picked up because of the multiple characters belonging to different races and locations which gave it a universal appeal...everyone in the tele-series justifies his role quite perfectly, and the 'what-happens-next' moments at the end of every serial keeps the audience wanting for more!!...

Brilliantly crafted and ALMOST original (almost because X-men came up with the idea of genetic mutation first)......nevertheless ENTERTAINMENT FOOD FOR YOUR BRAIN!!