Thursday, March 22, 2007

Let there be Light!

"Its indeed very difficult to make people understand something, when their jobs depend upon them not understanding it"---the same can be said about cynics--- a breed of individuals,who for the sole motive of making themselves counted are ready to buy any preposterous argument.Well i would qoute a few examples which validate my viewpoint.But before writing anything further i would make it clear that this is not intended towards any specific person and its for you to decide where does the bracket end as far as you as an individual is concerned.

The Left Front have had an iconic brand value for this group...whenever the country is faced with any gloomy situation the leaders from this wrong side of the Govt.get out of their closed doors just to make matters even worse for the ruling the centre.The person who has been at the receiving end of all the flak from these leaders has been our own FM.Reforms is the buzzword for the FM whereas the same word rings warning bells for the RED side(i just wonder whether the color red truly signifies danger just because the Left Front has its flag of the same color).Whether be it the falling Indian markets,opening up of the retail sector to FDI or for that matter any policy ...the Left wing has always been at loggerheads with the FM.Do they really understand all the nuances of the policies they keep opposing.Well to put a few Questions on their claims...they have been wary of the growing equity cult in the country among the retail investors but how many of you know that the same hypocrites have been the biggest investors in US-64 ...the first ever scheme floated by the now ailing UTI.

The recent Nandigram carnage puts a big question mark on their claim of harping about saving the interests of all the mom and pop stores by not allowing FDI in retail.The reason I say this comes from a startling fact of another deal(read Tata Motors in Singur) which states that Tata Motors has struck the best deal among all the auto majors all over the country which can be easily seen by going through the terms of the deal...If this would'nt have been the case why on earth do you think a company like Tata Motors would still be interested in pursuing with their idea of going through with the deal inspite of all that is happening in West Bengal.

Examples like these are aplenty which question the commitment that this breed claim to have towards the welfare of the polloi.But its high time, they should realise that it is very easy always being on the other side of the line and playing the "blame game" instead of being a part of the system and trying to make things better for the bourgeois.the whole discussion can be summed up the way i put it now: "The horse can at best limp its way towards the winning post ; when one off its leg just refuses to stand up and be counted"

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